Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thanks For Your Permission

It seems that Ms Sara Chumps is more than a little full of herself. Rob Conery asked on Twitter if it was okay to like the Black Eyed Peas as much as he does... that he hated liking Top 40.

But SJC responded that they are "the McDonalds of fast food pop, if you accept that it's ok to like them." Well, thanks Sara. Do you know why poor Mr. Conery even feels like he has to ask? Because of music snobs like you who classify music as the "McDonalds of fast food pop". While that may have *sound bite* written all over it, it makes absolutely no sense.

If you had advanced it a layer and called them fast food rap, maybe we could have been closer, but you want to lump them in with the Jesse McCartney's of the world and just call them "pop" when their infectious dance grooves and catchy lyrics are moving the nation to one beat? But even there, I don't want to offend Jesse McCartney fans or Miley Cyrus fans, or whoever's fans (except country... seriously that crap sucks).

Music is music. You aren't smarter than the rest of us if you like some crappy band that no one has ever heard of. How does it make you less of a person if you like something "major label" or "top 40"? I know from your Tweets that you like a variety of music, but as soon as you have a chance to have some sort of backbone, you sound like pre-pubescent boy who found his dad's Pixies records and now feels like he can mete out musical judgment on the masses.

Look, Rob. Chumps won't say it, but I will. Enjoy the Peas. Love Fergie in her butterfaced glory. Enjoy and his over periodinated name. Love the other two even though you don't know their names. I'm not going to judge you.

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