Thursday, September 24, 2009

An Introduction to Girl Developer

So, I first heard of Sara J Chipps from the StackOverflow podcast where Jeff Atwood (who himself is a BORE to follow on Twitter) mentioned her because of some such thing she did or said or whatever. I mean, who really cares? The point is that I went to her blog and probably like most nerds, liked the fact that she was a girl developer (she really pulled out all the stops to come up with her blog name) and she was good looking.

However, the very next thing I see is her little catch phrase, "Please note: All marriage proposals must be accompanied by previous year's W2". Ohhhh... I see how it is. She is in all of this for the money. She wants to meet nice, well paid developers, lure them with her blue corsets, and stick them for their paper.

That wasn't it at all. She turned out to actually be kind of nerdy. How, then, do we explain the call for W2s? I'd say she's just your standard gold digger. She ain't messin' with no broke, broke...

Then, I hit her Twitter. Man, this chick has diarrhea of the mouth fingers. Her Tweetstats say that she hits us up 16.7 times a day. What could possibly be so important to hit us up an average of once per waking hour?

"my cat can type"

"This morning I saw the most beautiful racially androgynous man. I think that's elegant."

"I ate a slice of pizza in the shower and I don't care what you think."

Wow. I can see why she has 1500+ followers. I'm going to guess that if she looked like Sarah J Parker instead of Sara J Chipps and was a lawyer or a ballerina instead of a programmer, that number would be under the century mark. It may not be cool or politically correct, but the Anti Chipps calls 'em like I sees 'em.

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