Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mindless Vapid Princess?

Okay, seriously. The joke is up. Can we please let Alan Funt come on out and tell us that we are on Candid Camera? Please explain to me how SJC gets to be an MVP? I know this process is usually wrapped in secrecy, but I think just this once we deserve an explanation.

It can't be for knowledge. I mean, she is an ASP.Net MVP now and just a year ago, she was asking what the worker process for ASP.Net is in IIS 7? What has she done, write a few articles for Datamation (who the h-e-double-hockey-sticks reads THAT... I've never heard of it before she started pimping her articles), write her blog, speak a few places a few times, and organize an extremely damp camping trip? I just do NOT get it.

One bonus, I guess. She is now going to be "rocking a tiara in public". It better be a gigantic tiara, cuz this chick's head is now going to be so big, she'll have to step into her shirts. I can't believe that people are just reinforcing her behavior. She's got Donald Trump-level self-promotion while rocking a signal-to-noise ratio of about .00000000000000001. The only thing positive she ever did for the community is apparently introducing Jon Skeet to through her blog.

I am calling for a recount of the votes. I mean, who nominated her? Who decided she was worthy? How much weight was put on the color of her hair? I mean, I can't believe anyone who has seen the train wreck that is Girl Developer the News (notable quotes: "ummmm", "uhhh", "like..") would name her a valuable anything.

I'm calling shenanigans.


  1. It'd be easy to label you as jealous - but you won't get it from me as I share most of your skepticism. Maybe it's just because I am jealous too.

    The only thing that recently puzzled me more than this has been the Nobel to Obama. But then I've seen a pattern: maybe they both have been rewarded for smt they still have to do!

    All jokes aside, I think it's good to have a loud girl developer around to hopefully bring more diversity to the profession.

  2. Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. I was with you right until the end. It is never good to have *this* loud girl developer around.
