Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mindless Vapid Princess?

Okay, seriously. The joke is up. Can we please let Alan Funt come on out and tell us that we are on Candid Camera? Please explain to me how SJC gets to be an MVP? I know this process is usually wrapped in secrecy, but I think just this once we deserve an explanation.

It can't be for knowledge. I mean, she is an ASP.Net MVP now and just a year ago, she was asking what the worker process for ASP.Net is in IIS 7? What has she done, write a few articles for Datamation (who the h-e-double-hockey-sticks reads THAT... I've never heard of it before she started pimping her articles), write her blog, speak a few places a few times, and organize an extremely damp camping trip? I just do NOT get it.

One bonus, I guess. She is now going to be "rocking a tiara in public". It better be a gigantic tiara, cuz this chick's head is now going to be so big, she'll have to step into her shirts. I can't believe that people are just reinforcing her behavior. She's got Donald Trump-level self-promotion while rocking a signal-to-noise ratio of about .00000000000000001. The only thing positive she ever did for the community is apparently introducing Jon Skeet to through her blog.

I am calling for a recount of the votes. I mean, who nominated her? Who decided she was worthy? How much weight was put on the color of her hair? I mean, I can't believe anyone who has seen the train wreck that is Girl Developer the News (notable quotes: "ummmm", "uhhh", "like..") would name her a valuable anything.

I'm calling shenanigans.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thanks For Your Permission

It seems that Ms Sara Chumps is more than a little full of herself. Rob Conery asked on Twitter if it was okay to like the Black Eyed Peas as much as he does... that he hated liking Top 40.

But SJC responded that they are "the McDonalds of fast food pop, if you accept that it's ok to like them." Well, thanks Sara. Do you know why poor Mr. Conery even feels like he has to ask? Because of music snobs like you who classify music as the "McDonalds of fast food pop". While that may have *sound bite* written all over it, it makes absolutely no sense.

If you had advanced it a layer and called them fast food rap, maybe we could have been closer, but you want to lump them in with the Jesse McCartney's of the world and just call them "pop" when their infectious dance grooves and catchy lyrics are moving the nation to one beat? But even there, I don't want to offend Jesse McCartney fans or Miley Cyrus fans, or whoever's fans (except country... seriously that crap sucks).

Music is music. You aren't smarter than the rest of us if you like some crappy band that no one has ever heard of. How does it make you less of a person if you like something "major label" or "top 40"? I know from your Tweets that you like a variety of music, but as soon as you have a chance to have some sort of backbone, you sound like pre-pubescent boy who found his dad's Pixies records and now feels like he can mete out musical judgment on the masses.

Look, Rob. Chumps won't say it, but I will. Enjoy the Peas. Love Fergie in her butterfaced glory. Enjoy and his over periodinated name. Love the other two even though you don't know their names. I'm not going to judge you.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Coding Ballerina

Look. Awesome developers want to be ninjas. Less awesome developers like to pretend to be pirates. But what does Sara J Chumps want? To be a Code Ballerina. Seriously? Well, listen to her rationale, "Dynamic, perfectly composed, and beautiful. Just like our code."

Peep it. No one makes websites like Real Ultimate Power for ballerinas. There is no Facebook app called Pirates vs Ninjas vs Ballerinas. Ballerinas were not used by the common folk in feudal Japan to strike back against the tyranny of "the man" and their armies. It is not even like there weren't female ninjas:

Female Ninja

Okay, okay. I kid. Seriously, there were female ninjas. They were called Kunoichi. And you know what? They were awesome.

Listen. Think about this. If faced with a problem (programming or life), what would you rather do? Dance around it, or get in there and knock it out and maybe kill it with poison darts or shuriken or even your bare hands?

Is it this:
Girl Ballerina
or this:
Girl Ninja

I think the case is closed.

An Introduction to Girl Developer

So, I first heard of Sara J Chipps from the StackOverflow podcast where Jeff Atwood (who himself is a BORE to follow on Twitter) mentioned her because of some such thing she did or said or whatever. I mean, who really cares? The point is that I went to her blog and probably like most nerds, liked the fact that she was a girl developer (she really pulled out all the stops to come up with her blog name) and she was good looking.

However, the very next thing I see is her little catch phrase, "Please note: All marriage proposals must be accompanied by previous year's W2". Ohhhh... I see how it is. She is in all of this for the money. She wants to meet nice, well paid developers, lure them with her blue corsets, and stick them for their paper.

That wasn't it at all. She turned out to actually be kind of nerdy. How, then, do we explain the call for W2s? I'd say she's just your standard gold digger. She ain't messin' with no broke, broke...

Then, I hit her Twitter. Man, this chick has diarrhea of the mouth fingers. Her Tweetstats say that she hits us up 16.7 times a day. What could possibly be so important to hit us up an average of once per waking hour?

"my cat can type"

"This morning I saw the most beautiful racially androgynous man. I think that's elegant."

"I ate a slice of pizza in the shower and I don't care what you think."

Wow. I can see why she has 1500+ followers. I'm going to guess that if she looked like Sarah J Parker instead of Sara J Chipps and was a lawyer or a ballerina instead of a programmer, that number would be under the century mark. It may not be cool or politically correct, but the Anti Chipps calls 'em like I sees 'em.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Because She Asked For It

I admit that I have somewhat of a love/hate relationship with Girl Developer (aka Sara J Chipps), so when she "asked" for a blog of this nature on Twitter, I felt happy to oblige.

To be clear, I don't know Ms Chipps IRL, merely am aware of her internet persona. The "hate" part of me will enjoy the snarky parts of writing this blog and the "love" part will be pleased that Girl Developer is thismuch closer to making it now that she has a designated foil.