Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Proof That More Women Need To Get Into Development

Look, if Chumpy is seriously one of the "15 Developer/Hacker Women to Follow on Twitter", we need more women to get involved. How the H-E-Double-Hockey Sticks can this list have awesome women on it like Leah Culver, Marissa Mayer, and Gina Trapani and then in the same breath include our (least) favorite "pink haired little Google"?

That is like compiling a list of the 15 greatest baseball players of all time and having Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, and me - fresh from a few years of varsity baseball in the MidWest and decidedly craptastic.

Shame on you, Mashable. You should have just said "Top 14..." and left it at that with a disclaimer that more awesome women need to get involved.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

White Chipps and Gang Signs

Gggg Gang Signs..

White Chipps and Gang Signs

Made me think of this.

I'm really embarrassed for all white people right now.

Friday, February 12, 2010

SJC as the Model for Computer Engineer Barbie?

Barbie Computer Engineer
So, the nerd community went online in force to vote for Barbie's next career and they were successful in making her a Computer Engineer. Little known fact, though, is that the model for the doll was our very own SJC.

There was generally one problem, though, and that was that the Barbie actually has a higher IQ than Chippsy. When asked for an explanation, an employee of Mattel claimed that they couldn't put any less brain cells in the Barbie Doll or else her head would cave in. I think that is a strong testament to the thickness of SJC's skull. Kudos to your Neanderthal bloodline, Chippsy!

Barbie Chipps

Ed Note: I am very pleased that Barbie was selected to be a Computer Engineer and voted for that selection several times. I am very fond of women and do not discriminate against them in any way. It is because of that high regard for "women" that I don't even like to include Ms Chumps in that group.

Friday, January 29, 2010

No, Thank YOU, Chumpy

Only Sara Chumpps would be this egotistical. Yes, darling, everything is about you. In a recent post on her blog, Chumpy forgot her deodorant and figured that Yahoo! was thinking of her when they packed gender neutral deodorant. Oh. Mah. Gawd.

Generic Deodorant

This is a classic case of someone finding what they are looking for. Our heroine constantly just thinks that the whole world revolves around her, so why not Yahoo!, too? Isn't it far more likely, Princess, that buying a ton of generic deodorant was just cheaper than buying some gender specific scent?

I found this picture on the internet... I don't think that it is 'shopped, but instead shows her head actual size in relation to her body. This about says it all...
Sara Chipps' Head