Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Because She Asked For It

I admit that I have somewhat of a love/hate relationship with Girl Developer (aka Sara J Chipps), so when she "asked" for a blog of this nature on Twitter, I felt happy to oblige.

To be clear, I don't know Ms Chipps IRL, merely am aware of her internet persona. The "hate" part of me will enjoy the snarky parts of writing this blog and the "love" part will be pleased that Girl Developer is thismuch closer to making it now that she has a designated foil.


  1. joe suburbs is just getting acquainted with girl developper... She seems to be bright, witty, intelligent and interesting - but she sure does talk alot.

  2. Chris,

    You heard correctly. She hates puppies and when she has a bad day, she *kicks* puppies. You heard it here first.

  3. I just saw her post something about being ravenous and a poor boy... she must be a closet cannibal. Run poor boy, run!!
